What Car Insurance Deductible Amount Should I Choose? P.J. Miller Discusses with Insurify

P.J. Miller

P.J. Miller - Vice President

A car insurance deductible is what an insured pays out of pocket on a claim before the insurance company will cover the rest of the amount. Common deductible amounts are $500 and $1,000, but insurers will typically offer a range of options and you can select one that best fits your needs and budget. But how do you choose?

In an interview with Insurify, Vice President P.J. Miller said: “If you have a higher deductible, you’ll have a reduced monthly premium, so for some drivers, the benefit of paying less each month outweighs the risk of paying more in the instance of a claim.”

Read the full article here.

Questions about car insurance coverage? Contact Wallace & Turner at 937-324-8492 or online here.