Wallace & Turner Sponsors Springfield Rotary Club 9th Gourmet Food Truck Competition

Wallace & Turner is once again sponsoring the Springfield Rotary Club’s Ninth Gourmet Food Truck Competition being held Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Veterans Park. Attracting over 10,000 guests each year, the competition continues to grow and thrive as Springfield’s must-taste event of the summer. The competition will feature up to 35 food trucks full of unique palate-pleasing cuisine, along with live entertainment, a beer garden and more.

While the competition is a great community event, it’s also a major fundraiser that supports the Rotary Club’s charitable programs. Over the first five years of the competition alone, over $100,000 was raised for Springfield Rotary’s causes from the support of the community. This includes services to people with disabilities, which has increased the number of individuals served by more than 70 percent since the inaugural competition in 2014.

Learn more here.

Springfield Rotary Club’s Ninth Gourmet Food Truck Competition